Education For Maids & their children
Amid Lockdown & Pandemic, people working for daily wages and ladies working as maids at different houses got targeted in terms of unemployment and decreased ratio of work opportunities. These people in addition to meagre resources for lives and supporting their children, faced hindrance complete or partial towards the education of their children, which if admitted to schools, left the school to become helping hand of their parents in earning bread for their families.
In lockdown, I closely observed my own maid who had done the same. All 5 daughters either dropped out from school or left the school to earn like their mother. This family of 7, got difficulty at first getting to jobs. They would walk miles to save money for a day’s meal, getting to different houses for work like: cleaning, washing & cooking. The thing that bothered me a lot was education of their daughters specially. They had the same dreams as of girls of similar age. They couldn’t get a chance for learning online either, as all other students are doing right now. They couldn’t become educated citizens of society as all other students of their age.
There are 5400 government schools in Punjab with students’ drop-out rate of 50% in 2021. This Pandemic worsened the situation of low SES class to reach secondary at least. In view of this problem, I talked to my maid and several other maids of the area for knowing their interests in educating their children IF there is another way to come up with this problem. They seemed to be interested if this happen.
So, I thought of a plan educating their children in a different manner. Also providing stationery items and notebooks to them so that might not be a burden on their parents. Education is basic right of human being, if some reasons be sorted out the literacy rate of Pakistan will increase in addition to individual rights being fulfilled.
Educating these children can at least make them aware of taking self care and serving their families in a better way.
This project can at least be helpful in working the pliable solutions to education related problems.